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Why invest in Live Shopping today! new services Jan 14, 2022

Your clients are shopping across different platforms and as they have choice with many competitors of yours, you need to be creative and access new tools and move outside your comfort zone.

What is the new Retail and E-commerce trend in town? ...   Live Video Shopping!

It is an...

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Friday sharing to boost personal and business growth management Jan 07, 2022

As sustainable fashion is the new black, how do you ensure to keep updated in this field and more generally how to you manage personal development for the Team and yourself?

To start on the sustainability agenda, please read the Fashion United article on several existing certifications that may...

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Happy New Year to you and the family press Jan 01, 2022

Our commitment to the Fashion Industry does not change with time, it gets only stronger and better.

We service Fashion Brands, Retailers and the other stakeholders as we believe that our purpose is to ensure that nobody stays on the side of the road.
We will ensure you reach your goals.


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Discover 6 words/ expressions that will really upset people management Nov 26, 2021

Discover 6 words that Fast Company has identified as preventing you getting people to work with you.

1. No problem

2. Hope

3. Can't

4. Pissed off

5. Whatever

6. It is what it is

Read the full article in the link below.

GFM Founder, Thierry Bayle, is sharing 2 of his business quotes which may...

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Become a better version of yourself. How? business quotes Nov 19, 2021

This week, we wish to emphasise that  ...

Learn more, Be unique and See how you stand out! 

1. "Invest at the level of your future self (not your current self) – the one you are growing to become." Darren Hardy

2. "Lack of consistency is the subtle stealer of dreams." Darren Hardy...

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Black Friday - Let's go digital! business quotes online Nov 19, 2021

We are approaching Black Friday and it is a perfect opportunity to discuss digital.

Last month and this month, Tesco (3rd largest retailer for groceries and general merchandises) had a few issues with its e-commerce website. Order changes could not be processed properly. Luckily through great...

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Retail business quotes and more! business quotes Nov 05, 2021

As you must navigate turbulent times in your business, today let's focus on Retail.

What is your favourite retail quote?
Share it with us on Instagram @gfmfashiongrowth.

1.  A man without a smiling face must not open a shop. Chinese Proverb

2. "Be everywhere, do everything, and never fail to...

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G20 in Rome - What are the Gs you need to use every day? business of fashion Nov 01, 2021

As the top 20 largest countries have met in Rome for the G20, it is our opportunity to reflect on what are the top 20 Gs you need to use and master to better manage your Fashion business.

  1. Ground
  2. Glamour
  3. Groovy
  4. Glory
  5. Gold
  6. Green
  7. Give
  8. Grab
  9. Grow
  10. Gift
  11. Garden
  12. Governance
  13. Go
  14. Global
  15. Grade
  16. Gone
  17. Grey
  18. ...
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Cop26 - Sustainable business quotes for all of us! business quotes Oct 31, 2021

Thank you for stopping by. 
Our purpose is clear: Support all Designers and Retailers to build a sustainable Brand or store therefore set up and scale up a profitable business.
Are you with us? Let's work together and we can create positive change better than many other people as we have a...

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Management and team business quotes business quotes Oct 29, 2021

As the top 20 richest countries are meeting in Rome (Italy) for the G20, it is the right time to focus on quotes on teamwork and how to push for a higher performance thansk to such working together.

Share the quotes with colleagues and give us your opinion on which one you like the most or send...

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Management and leadership quotes you will use in every business business quotes Oct 22, 2021

Do you have clear clarity on your goals or dreams to be reached for 2021, 2022 and beyond?

They will serve as the stepping stone to progress.

If you need support or guidance to implement the action plan, we are by your side and available when you are. We will tell you the truth about the...

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Business quotes for growth this Friday business quotes Oct 08, 2021

Hope you had a productive week.

Enjoy those business, leadership and lifestyle quotes. 


"I love straightforward people. The lack of drama makes life 10 times easier."

"Excuses are for people who don't want it badly enough."

"What a terrible waste of a life it is, to always take the...

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