Discover 6 words/ expressions that will really upset people
Nov 26, 2021Discover 6 words that Fast Company has identified as preventing you getting people to work with you.
1. No problem
2. Hope
3. Can't
4. Pissed off
5. Whatever
6. It is what it is
Read the full article in the link below.
GFM Founder, Thierry Bayle, is sharing 2 of his business quotes which may resonate with you.
1. "Imposing your decision to the Team is like asking them to drive at full speed towards a wall while the car has no breaks."
The business cannot be achieving its goals on-going by acting this way. You need to change your leadership style.
2. "Hope is NOT and has never been a strategy. The staff now understands that you do not know what you are doing."
Every action carries a risk however to ensure we increase the odds of winning on a task or strategy, we need to have a detailed plan. Otherwise, the team may be running like headless chickens and we will not reach our targets.
At GFM, we help your Team build up communication, management and leadership skills.
Fast company - 6 Words or Phrases that will make people not work for you -
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