Doctor Fashion is in the room. Do you want a health check?
Oct 06, 2023We regularly go to the Doctor's office or visit the dentist. We often send our paperwork to the accountant to finalise the balance sheet and profit and loss account.
However, let us ask you a few questions:
- When did you last visit Doctor Fashion?
- Who did a diagnostic on your Fashion Brand and when was it done?
- When did you take outside advice on one or several important decisions you took to protect, strenghten and grow your Brand?
Every month, we can learn from your competition and get the inside story on how to set up, manage and scale up your project and business.
Every month, you can ask a question to Doctor Fashion and the expert to have an immediate live reply. It will turbo boost the success rate of your project. Can you really afford to miss this interaction?
Register for this free monthly webinar here.
We learn about wholesale, retail, online, strategy, execution, sales, marketing, HR, trade shows, agents, accountants, digital marketing ...
Offer: Free webinar to turbo boost your success
Date: Every second Saturday of the month
Time: 11am UK (GMT or GMT+1 during Summer Time)
Question process: Leave your question in the box when you register or use the chat box on the day of the webinar. Alternatively, email us at [email protected]
We welcome you in our family and group and committed to your success.
Our work for the past 25 years has been with established Designer Brands as well as SMEs and and hundreds of start ups and young designers.
The latter are the reason why we have launched the London Fashion Business Academy and our online courses, which come with free email exchanges as we want you to always have somebody by your side to support your dream and business.
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